Discover Legacy Reimaged
Have you ever wished you could reimage your life? Like a complete new internal hard drive?
Legacy Reimaged was born out of a desire to communicate hope that cycles can be broken. You are not doomed to live out the legacy you were handed when you entered Planet Earth. Circumstances over which you have no control do not have to dictate a predictable response. Discover uplifting words that encourage you in your journey.
Encouragement Needed? Resources on Pregnancy Loss? Supplements to Support Health?

Tamara's Blog
Deepen your relationship with God through devotional style blogs with her husband Bill's photographs. Reflect on the Creator's bounty through her poetry.

Resources for Women Who've Experienced
A Pregnancy Loss
Tamara collates a list of resources and phone numbers for those looking to make peace with their loss. Her debut novel speaks about a couple who reconnected after experiencing significant grief with the loss of their son Micah at 38 weeks.

Plexus Ambassador
Looking for a new way to improve your gut health and stave off anxiety? Want vitamins that are absorbed rather than flushed through your colon? Looking to balance blood sugars and lessen cholesterol? Click on the link below!

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Word Alive Press Bookstore!

When Samantha and Phil lose their second child, colour fades from her world. The darkness swallows up her vibrant view of life, and in a blind rush to erase the pain she hurts the very ones who can restore her to radiance.
Work no longer insulates Phil from his grief. He erects walls of self-protection that block out everyone’s attempts to connect with him. And as the money drains from his fledgling business, he worries about losing everything.
When all seems utterly hopeless, their daughter Cami helps them to reconsider their Creator’s promise of renewed hope. Could this lead to the family’s restoration?
Available Now!
Tamara Wanner thrived as a teacher for many years and worked with children of all ages in both school and ministry. When she and her husband Bill faced the heartache of infertility, their Creator grafted two chosen children into their family. Her creative spirit finds an outlet in writing, music, flowers, and scrapbooking. Check out her blog at www.legacyreimaged.com or follow her on Spotify.

Transformation Begins with a New Point of View
Tamara Wanner once thought her legacy would end with her but the Creator had a far different idea. She won Bill’s wedding band two years before they met. They waited nine years to be parents. She often wondered why their story didn’t sound like the books she’s read.
Her writing signals her desire to walk alongside those who want to reimage their legacy by pointing them back to the One who created them. Bill's photos celebrate the intelligent design inherent in the Creator's creation.